For The Men and Women That Want It All

The Lion Is King Because Of What He Believes About Himself.

The Lioness Is Queen Because Of What She Believes About Herself.

When you look in the mirror and you see yourself in a place you don't want to be, you get it!

Something has to change, and that "something" is much simpler than you realize.

not the tallest

not the largest

not the strongest

not the smartest

The lion is king

because of one word


The Lions Unleashed approach is a bit different from the methods of most coaches, mentors, and gurus who promise you your best life filled with success and riches within 30 days. That might work for some people, but you won't find any "quick fix" solutions here. That is simply because a quick fix does not last.

The Lions Unleashed method combines intense accountability with simple, yet powerful daily habits to change your life.

Lions Unleashed will change you. It's not so much in that you're out of line, but your belief system, your thoughts, and your actions most likely are, and only you can change that. My goal is to help you make that change.

If you want to stop playing small, the best version of YOU needs to show up in EVERY Territory of your life.

The 4 Territories

​In Your Kingdom

An Unleashed Lion continuously masters four territories in his/her kingdom:

So what are these Four Territories?

Your Mind

Your Body

Your Relationships

Your Business

The name I have given to each territory was carefully selected, after much study and thought, and you will find that internalizing the name and definition I've given to each of the Four Territories will give new life to each of them.


Early referenced in the 1640s as the "animating spirit".

In Latin "psyche", in Greek "psykhē".

The invisible animating principle or entity which occupies and directs the physical body.

​You have the ability to fill your mind with positive and useful thoughts and information. Within your mind, you will define your purpose for all that you do.


Merriam-Webster defines physique as the form or structure of a person's body: bodily makeup.

We're talking about your actual physical body here, and to keep it in proper shape requires you to exercise discipline over what you do or don't put into your body as well as how you maintain your body.

Your body is your vehicle for moving through life. How you treat it will determine the quality of your ride through the rest of your life.


Textum, in Latin, can refer to either an atomic structure / ratio, a framework, or a woven fabric.

The more you think about this word in alignment with your relationships, the better you'll understand why I use it to describe them.

We're talking about all of your relationships here. Not only intimate but also family, friends, God, business partners, co-workers, kids... even your relationship with ideas and objects is important.


The word gigno, in Latin, means to give birth to / to bring forth, but also to be born.

Your business is how you generate income which provides you and those you care for with financial security.

Through your business though, you are also born, as capital of any sort opens doors to the things you want.

As with the other Territories, take care when deciding how to do business and with whom.

Maintaining mastery over all Four Territories is how you get everything you want in life, but;

You must do so every single day of your life;

24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for as long as you live.

​This is how you live with intention.

​This is how you create a good life.

Nothing changes if you don't make changes.

​What do you want?



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