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About Jake Rosenberg
I am a personal development and business integration consultant.
For as long as I can remember, I've been driven by a sense of curiosity. Combined with my passion for helping driven individuals implement their vision, this has led me to learn about a vast array of subjects, and through that, to my involvement in ventures across a variety of industries, generally through the role of COO or CMO, occasionally as a Founder.
I have a background in marketing, systems and automation, and have extensive experience in helping businesses implement and streamline their operations.
In a world of mediocrity, such people often feel crazy. I've felt it myself.
We are crazy... but that is a good thing when properly utilized.
My hope is to channel what I've learned over the years into your personal success.
This podcast is designed to inspire thought.
You might even consider it a feed to inspire meditation.
Pick an episode, listen through it, then take some time to contemplate.
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