If you don't want to be limited by the box of the beliefs that were ingrained in you in your youth, you must put a focus on this.
Why is it that some people seem to shine in any area they choose to push for while others could barely manage small successes even with a natural talent for the things they do?
It comes down to your mindset.
Most people who’ve achieved “greatness” have worked extremely hard to get there…
The truth is, many of them were told that they would never amount to anything, but they believed they could and would achieve, and so they did whatever they needed to do so.
You can watch as many motivational videos as you want, read as many inspirational blogs as you can find, but true motivation comes from within, and it begins with your mindset.
There are two mindset categories (that you may have heard of from Carol Dweck):
Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset.
People with a Fixed Mindset believe that ability is ingrained, that it’s something you either have or don’t have, and that there’s nothing you can do to change it.
People with a Growth Mindset believe that ability is earned, through hard work, through personal development, through education.
Instilling a Growth Mindset within yourself is one the most important keys to any form of success. You must believe that you are in control of your own ability, and that you can learn and improve at anything you truly apply your efforts to.
Without that belief, you’ll always be limited by the box of the beliefs that were ingrained in you in your youth, and that’s a harsh punishment to put on yourself and your world.
It’s time to power on!
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